Source code for kartothek.utils.converters

Helper module to convert user inputs into normalized forms.
from __future__ import absolute_import

from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union

import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa

__all__ = (

[docs]def converter_str_set(obj) -> frozenset: """ Convert input to a set of unicode strings. ``None`` will be converted to an empty set. Parameters ---------- obj: Optional[Union[Iterable[str], str]] Object to convert. Returns ------- obj: FrozenSet[str] String set. Raises ------ TypeError If passed object is not string/byte-like. """ result = converter_tuple(obj) result_set = {converter_str(x) for x in result} return frozenset(result_set)
[docs]def converter_str_set_optional(obj): """ Convert input to a set of unicode strings. ``None`` will be preserved. Parameters ---------- obj: Optional[Union[Iterable[str], str]] Object to convert. Returns ------- obj: Optional[FrozenSet[str]] String set. Raises ------ ValueError If an element in the passed object is not string/byte/like. """ if obj is None: return None return converter_str_set(obj)
[docs]def converter_str_tupleset(obj: Optional[Union[Iterable[str], str]]) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """ Convert input to tuple of unique unicode strings. ``None`` will be converted to an empty set. The input must not contain duplicate entries. Parameters ---------- obj Object to convert. Raises ------ TypeError If passed object is not string/byte-like, or if ``obj`` is known to have an unstable iteration order. ValueError If passed set contains duplicates. """ if isinstance(obj, (dict, frozenset, set)): raise TypeError( "{obj} which has type {tname} has an unstable iteration order".format( obj=obj, tname=type(obj).__name__ ) ) result = converter_tuple(obj) result = tuple(converter_str(x) for x in result) if len(set(result)) != len(result): raise ValueError("Tuple-set contains duplicates: {}".format(", ".join(result))) return result
[docs]def converter_tuple(obj) -> tuple: """ Convert input to a tuple. ``None`` will be converted to an empty tuple. Parameters ---------- obj: Any Object to convert. Returns ------- obj: Tuple[Any] Tuple. """ if obj is None: return () elif hasattr(obj, "__iter__") and not isinstance(obj, (str, bytes)): return tuple(x for x in obj) else: return (obj,)
[docs]def converter_str(obj) -> str: """ Ensures input is a unicode string. Parameters ---------- obj: str Object to convert. Returns ------- obj: str String. Raises ------ TypeError If passed object is not string/byte-like. """ if isinstance(obj, str): return obj elif isinstance(obj, bytes): return obj.decode("utf-8") else: raise TypeError( "Object of type {type} is not a string: {obj}".format( obj=obj, type=type(obj).__name__ ) )
[docs]def get_str_to_python_converter(pa_type): """ Get converter to parse string into python object. Parameters ---------- pa_type: pyarrow.DataType Data type. Returns ------- converter: Callable[[str], Any] Converter. """ if pa.types.is_boolean(pa_type): def var_f(x): if x.lower() in ("0", "f", "n", "false", "no"): return False elif x.lower() in ("1", "t", "y", "true", "yes"): return True else: raise ValueError("Cannot parse bool: {}".format(x)) return var_f elif pa.types.is_floating(pa_type): return float elif pa.types.is_integer(pa_type): return int elif pa.types.is_string(pa_type): def var_f(x): if len(x) > 1: for char in ('"', "'"): if x.startswith(char) and x.endswith(char): return x[1:-1] return x return var_f elif pa.types.is_timestamp(pa_type): return pd.Timestamp else: raise ValueError("Cannot handle type {pa_type}".format(pa_type=pa_type))