
Setup a store

In [1]: from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

# You can, of course, also directly use S3, ABS or anything else
# supported by :mod:`storefact`
In [2]: dataset_dir = TemporaryDirectory()

In [3]: store_url = f"hfs://{dataset_dir.name}"
In [4]: import pandas as pd

In [5]: from kartothek.api.dataset import read_table, store_dataframes_as_dataset

In [6]: df = pd.DataFrame({"Name": ["Paul", "Lisa"], "Age": [32, 29]})

In [7]: dataset_uuid = "my_list_of_friends"

In [8]: metadata = {
   ...:     "Name": "My list of friends",
   ...:     "Columns": {
   ...:         "Name": "First name of my friend",
   ...:         "Age": "honest age of my friend in years",
   ...:     },
   ...: }

In [9]: store_dataframes_as_dataset(
   ...:     store=store_url, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, dfs=[df], metadata=metadata
   ...: )
Out[9]: DatasetMetadata(uuid=my_list_of_friends, tables=['table'], partition_keys=[], metadata_version=4, indices=[], explicit_partitions=True)

# Load your data
# By default the single dataframe is stored in the 'core' table
In [10]: df_from_store = read_table(store=store_url, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, table="table")

In [11]: df_from_store
   Age  Name
0   32  Paul
1   29  Lisa



In [12]: import pandas as pd

In [13]: from kartothek.api.dataset import store_dataframes_as_dataset

#  Now, define the actual partitions. This list will, most of the time,
# be the intermediate result of a previously executed pipeline which e.g. pulls
# data from an external data source
# In our particular case, we'll use manual input and define our partitions explicitly
# We'll define two partitions which both have two tables
In [14]: input_list_of_partitions = [
   ....:     {
   ....:         "label": "FirstPartition",
   ....:         "data": [("FirstCategory", pd.DataFrame()), ("SecondCategory", pd.DataFrame())],
   ....:     },
   ....:     {
   ....:         "label": "SecondPartition",
   ....:         "data": [("FirstCategory", pd.DataFrame()), ("SecondCategory", pd.DataFrame())],
   ....:     },
   ....: ]

# The pipeline will return a :class:`~kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadata` object
#  which refers to the created dataset
In [15]: dataset = store_dataframes_as_dataset(
   ....:     dfs=input_list_of_partitions,
   ....:     store=store_url,
   ....:     dataset_uuid="MyFirstDataset",
   ....:     metadata={"dataset": "metadata"},  #  This is optional dataset metadata
   ....:     metadata_version=4,
   ....: )

In [16]: dataset
Out[16]: DatasetMetadata(uuid=MyFirstDataset, tables=['FirstCategory', 'SecondCategory'], partition_keys=[], metadata_version=4, indices=[], explicit_partitions=True)


In [17]: import pandas as pd

In [18]: from kartothek.api.dataset import read_dataset_as_dataframes

#  Create the pipeline with a minimal set of configs
In [19]: list_of_partitions = read_dataset_as_dataframes(
   ....:     dataset_uuid="MyFirstDataset", store=store_url
   ....: )

# In case you were using the dataset created in the Write example
In [20]: for d1, d2 in zip(
   ....:     list_of_partitions,
   ....:     [
   ....:         {"FirstCategory": pd.DataFrame(), "SecondCategory": pd.DataFrame()},
   ....:         {"FirstCategory": pd.DataFrame(), "SecondCategory": pd.DataFrame()},
   ....:     ],
   ....: ):
   ....:     for kv1, kv2 in zip(d1.items(), d2.items()):
   ....:         k1, v1 = kv1
   ....:         k2, v2 = kv2
   ....:         assert k1 == k2 and all(v1 == v2)



In [21]: import pandas as pd

In [22]: from kartothek.api.dataset import store_dataframes_as_dataset__iter

In [23]: input_list_of_partitions = [
   ....:     {
   ....:         "label": "FirstPartition",
   ....:         "data": [("FirstCategory", pd.DataFrame()), ("SecondCategory", pd.DataFrame())],
   ....:     },
   ....:     {
   ....:         "label": "SecondPartition",
   ....:         "data": [("FirstCategory", pd.DataFrame()), ("SecondCategory", pd.DataFrame())],
   ....:     },
   ....: ]

# The pipeline will return a :class:`~kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadata` object
#  which refers to the created dataset
In [24]: dataset = store_dataframes_as_dataset__iter(
   ....:     input_list_of_partitions,
   ....:     store=store_url,
   ....:     dataset_uuid="MyFirstDatasetIter",
   ....:     metadata={"dataset": "metadata"},  #  This is optional dataset metadata
   ....:     metadata_version=4,
   ....: )

In [25]: dataset
Out[25]: DatasetMetadata(uuid=MyFirstDatasetIter, tables=['FirstCategory', 'SecondCategory'], partition_keys=[], metadata_version=4, indices=[], explicit_partitions=True)


In [26]: import pandas as pd

In [27]: from kartothek.api.dataset import read_dataset_as_dataframes__iterator

#  Create the pipeline with a minimal set of configs
In [28]: list_of_partitions = read_dataset_as_dataframes__iterator(
   ....:     dataset_uuid="MyFirstDatasetIter", store=store_url
   ....: )

# the iter backend returns a generator object. In our case we want to look at
# all partitions at once
In [29]: list_of_partitions = list(list_of_partitions)

# In case you were using the dataset created in the Write example
In [30]: for d1, d2 in zip(
   ....:     list_of_partitions,
   ....:     [
   ....:         {"FirstCategory": pd.DataFrame(), "SecondCategory": pd.DataFrame()},
   ....:         {"FirstCategory": pd.DataFrame(), "SecondCategory": pd.DataFrame()},
   ....:     ],
   ....: ):
   ....:     for kv1, kv2 in zip(d1.items(), d2.items()):
   ....:         k1, v1 = kv1
   ....:         k2, v2 = kv2
   ....:         assert k1 == k2 and all(v1 == v2)



In [31]: import pandas as pd

In [32]: from kartothek.api.dataset import store_delayed_as_dataset

In [33]: input_list_of_partitions = [
   ....:     {
   ....:         "label": "FirstPartition",
   ....:         "data": [("FirstCategory", pd.DataFrame()), ("SecondCategory", pd.DataFrame())],
   ....:     },
   ....:     {
   ....:         "label": "SecondPartition",
   ....:         "data": [("FirstCategory", pd.DataFrame()), ("SecondCategory", pd.DataFrame())],
   ....:     },
   ....: ]

# This will return a :class:`~dask.delayed`. The figure below
# show the generated task graph.
In [34]: task = store_delayed_as_dataset(
   ....:     input_list_of_partitions,
   ....:     store=store_url,
   ....:     dataset_uuid="MyFirstDatasetDask",
   ....:     metadata={"dataset": "metadata"},  #  This is optional dataset metadata
   ....:     metadata_version=4,
   ....: )

In [35]: task.compute()
Out[35]: DatasetMetadata(uuid=MyFirstDatasetDask, tables=['FirstCategory', 'SecondCategory'], partition_keys=[], metadata_version=4, indices=[], explicit_partitions=True)

Task graph for the above dataset store pipeline.


In [36]: import dask

In [37]: import pandas as pd

In [38]: from kartothek.api.dataset import read_dataset_as_delayed

In [39]: tasks = read_dataset_as_delayed(dataset_uuid="MyFirstDatasetDask", store=store_url)

In [40]: tasks

In [41]: dask.compute(tasks)
([{'FirstCategory': Empty DataFrame
   Columns: []
   Index: [],
   'SecondCategory': Empty DataFrame
   Columns: []
   Index: []},
  {'FirstCategory': Empty DataFrame
   Columns: []
   Index: [],
   'SecondCategory': Empty DataFrame
   Columns: []
   Index: []}],)