Source code for kartothek.io_components.cube.stats

from __future__ import absolute_import

import copy

from import dispatch_metapartitions_from_factory
from kartothek.utils.ktk_adapters import (

__all__ = ("collect_stats_block", "get_metapartitions_for_stats", "reduce_stats")

def _fold_stats(result, stats, ktk_cube_dataset_id):
    Add stats together.

    result: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]
        Result dictionary, may be empty or a result of a previous call to :meth:`_fold_stats`.
    stats: Dict[str, int]
        Statistics for a single dataset.
    ktk_cube_dataset_id: str
        Ktk_cube dataset ID for the given ``stats`` object.

    result: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]
        Result dictionary with ``stats`` added.
    result = copy.deepcopy(result)

    if ktk_cube_dataset_id in result:
        ref = result[ktk_cube_dataset_id]
        for k, v in stats.items():
            ref[k] += v
        result[ktk_cube_dataset_id] = stats

    return result

[docs]def get_metapartitions_for_stats(datasets): """ Get all metapartitions that need to be scanned to gather cube stats. Parameters ---------- datasets: Dict[str, kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadata] Datasets that are present. Returns ------- metapartitions: Tuple[Tuple[str, Tuple[kartothek.io_components.metapartition.MetaPartition, ...]], ...] Pre-aligned metapartitions (by primary index / physical partitions) and the ktk_cube dataset ID belonging to them. """ all_metapartitions = [] for ktk_cube_dataset_id, ds in datasets.items(): dataset_factory = metadata_factory_from_dataset(ds) for mp in dispatch_metapartitions_from_factory( dataset_factory=dataset_factory, dispatch_by=dataset_factory.partition_keys ): all_metapartitions.append((ktk_cube_dataset_id, mp)) return all_metapartitions
[docs]def collect_stats_block(metapartitions, store): """ Gather statistics data for multiple metapartitions. Parameters ---------- metapartitions: Tuple[Tuple[str, Tuple[kartothek.io_components.metapartition.MetaPartition, ...]], ...] Part of the result of :meth:`get_metapartitions_for_stats`. store: Union[simplekv.KeyValueStore, Callable[[], simplekv.KeyValueStore]] KV store. Returns ------- stats: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] Statistics per ktk_cube dataset ID. """ if callable(store): store = store() result = {} for ktk_cube_dataset_id, mp in metapartitions: stats = get_physical_partition_stats(mp, store) result = _fold_stats(result, stats, ktk_cube_dataset_id) return result
[docs]def reduce_stats(stats_iter): """ Sum-up stats data. Parameters ---------- stats_iter: Iterable[Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]] Iterable of stats objects, either resulting from :meth:`collect_stats_block` or previous :meth:`reduce_stats` calls. Returns ------- stats: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] Statistics per ktk_cube dataset ID. """ result = {} for sub in stats_iter: for ktk_cube_dataset_id, stats in sub.items(): result = _fold_stats(result, stats, ktk_cube_dataset_id) return result