Source code for

This module is a collection of tests which should be implemented by all kartothek
**read** backends. The tests are not subject to the semantic versioning scheme and may change with minor or even patch releases.

To use the tests of this module, add the following import statement to your test module and ensure that the following fixtures are available in your test environment.

from import *  # noqa

Fixtures required to be implemented:

* ``output_type`` - One of {`dataframe`, `metpartition`, `table`} to define the outptu type of the returned result.
* ``bound_load_dataframes`` - A callable which will retrieve the partitions in the format specified by ``output_type``. The callable should accept all keyword arguments expected for a kartothek reader.

Source test data

* ``dataset`` - A fixture generating test data (TODO: Expose this as a testing function)
* ``store_factory`` - A function scoped store factory
* ``store_session_factory`` - A session scoped store factory

Feature toggles (optional):

* ``custom_read_parameters`` - Pass additional backend specific kwargs to the read function. The fixture should return a dict which can be passed using the double asterisks syntax to the callable.

The following fixtures should be present (see
* ``use_categoricals`` - Whether or not the call retrievs categorical data.
* ``dates_as_object`` - Whether or not the call retrievs date columns as objects.
* ``label_filter`` - a callable to filter partitions by label.


import datetime
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from functools import partial
from itertools import permutations

import pandas as pd
import pandas.testing as pdt
import pyarrow as pa
import pytest
from storefact import get_store_from_url

from kartothek.core.uuid import gen_uuid
from import store_dataframes_as_dataset
from import store_dataframes_as_dataset__iter
from kartothek.io_components.metapartition import SINGLE_TABLE, MetaPartition

[docs]@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False], ids=["use_categoricals", "no_categoricals"]) def use_categoricals(request): return request.param
[docs]@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False], ids=["dates_as_object", "datest_as_datetime"]) def dates_as_object(request): return request.param
[docs]@pytest.fixture( params=[True, False], ids=["load_dataset_metadata_TRUE", "load_dataset_metadata_FALSE"], ) def load_dataset_metadata(request): return request.param
[docs]@pytest.fixture(params=[None, lambda part_label: "cluster_1" in part_label]) def label_filter(request): return request.param
[docs]@pytest.fixture def custom_read_parameters(): return {}
[docs]@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False], ids=["use_factory", "no_factory"]) def use_dataset_factory(request, dates_as_object): return request.param
def _strip_unused_categoricals(df): for col in df.columns: if pd.api.types.is_categorical_dtype(df[col]): df[col] = df[col].cat.remove_unused_categories() return df
[docs]class NoPickle: def __getstate__(self): raise RuntimeError("do NOT pickle this object!")
[docs]def mark_nopickle(obj): setattr(obj, "_nopickle", NoPickle())
[docs]def no_pickle_store(url): store = get_store_from_url(url) mark_nopickle(store) return store
[docs]def no_pickle_factory(url): return partial(no_pickle_store, url)
[docs]@pytest.fixture(params=["URL", "KeyValue", "Callable"]) def store_input_types(request, tmpdir): url = f"hfs://{tmpdir}" if request.param == "URL": return url elif request.param == "KeyValue": return get_store_from_url(url) elif request.param == "Callable": return no_pickle_factory(url) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Encountered unknown store type {type(request.param)}")
[docs]def test_store_input_types(store_input_types, bound_load_dataframes): from import store_dataframes_as_dataset from kartothek.serialization.testing import get_dataframe_not_nested dataset_uuid = "dataset_uuid" df = get_dataframe_not_nested(10) store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=[df], dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store=store_input_types, partition_on=[df.columns[0]], secondary_indices=[df.columns[1]], ) # Use predicates to trigger partition pruning with indices predicates = [ [ (df.columns[0], "==", df.loc[0, df.columns[0]]), (df.columns[1], "==", df.loc[0, df.columns[1]]), ] ] result = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store=store_input_types, predicates=predicates, dates_as_object=True, ) if isinstance(result, list): result = result[0] if isinstance(result, MetaPartition): result = if isinstance(result, dict): result = result[SINGLE_TABLE] pdt.assert_frame_equal(result, df.head(1), check_dtype=False)
def _perform_read_test( dataset_uuid, store_factory, execute_read_callable, use_categoricals, output_type, label_filter, dates_as_object, read_kwargs=None, ds_factory=None, table_name=SINGLE_TABLE, test_helper=True, ): if not read_kwargs: read_kwargs = {} if use_categoricals: # dataset_with_index has an index on L but not on P categoricals = {table_name: ["P", "L"]} else: categoricals = None result = execute_read_callable( dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store=store_factory, factory=ds_factory, categoricals=categoricals, label_filter=label_filter, dates_as_object=dates_as_object, **read_kwargs, ) # The filter should allow only a single partition if not label_filter: assert len(result) == 2 else: # The filter should allow only a single partition assert len(result) == 1 if output_type == "metapartition": for res in result: assert isinstance(res, MetaPartition) result = [ for mp in result] def sort_by(obj): return obj[table_name].P.iloc[0] elif output_type == "table": assert isinstance(result[0], pd.DataFrame) assert "P" in result[0] def sort_by(obj): return obj.P.iloc[0] else: assert isinstance(result[0], dict) assert table_name in result[0] assert "P" in result[0][table_name] def sort_by(obj): return obj[table_name].P.iloc[0] result = sorted(result, key=sort_by) expected_df_core_1 = pd.DataFrame( {"P": [1], "L": [1], "TARGET": [1], "DATE": [, 1, 1)]} ) expected_df_helper_1 = pd.DataFrame({"P": [1], "info": "a"}) expected_df_core_2 = pd.DataFrame( {"P": [2], "L": [2], "TARGET": [2], "DATE": [, 12, 31)]} ) expected_df_helper_2 = pd.DataFrame({"P": [2], "info": "b"}) expected_dfs = [ (expected_df_core_1, expected_df_helper_1), (expected_df_core_2, expected_df_helper_2), ] for res, (expected_df_core, expected_df_helper) in zip(result, expected_dfs): if not dates_as_object: expected_df_core["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(expected_df_core["DATE"]) if use_categoricals: expected_df_core = expected_df_core.astype( {"P": "category", "L": "category"} ) if output_type == "table": pdt.assert_frame_equal( _strip_unused_categoricals(res).reset_index(drop=True), expected_df_core.reset_index(drop=True), check_dtype=False, check_like=True, ) else: actual_core = _strip_unused_categoricals(res[table_name]) pdt.assert_frame_equal( actual_core, expected_df_core, check_dtype=False, check_like=True ) if test_helper: actual_helper = _strip_unused_categoricals(res["helper"]) assert len(res) == 2 pdt.assert_frame_equal( actual_helper, expected_df_helper, check_dtype=False, check_like=True, )
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "predicates", [ [[("P", "==", 2)]], [[("P", "in", [2])]], [[("P", "!=", 1)]], [[("P", ">", 1)]], [[("P", ">=", 2)]], ], ) def test_read_dataset_as_dataframes_predicate( dataset, store_session_factory, custom_read_parameters, bound_load_dataframes, predicates, output_type, backend_identifier, ): if output_type != "dataframe": pytest.skip() result = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid=dataset.uuid, store=store_session_factory, predicates=predicates, **custom_read_parameters, ) core_result = pd.concat([data[SINGLE_TABLE] for data in result]) expected_core = pd.DataFrame( { "P": [2], "L": [2], "TARGET": [2], "DATE": pd.to_datetime([, 12, 31)]), } ) pdt.assert_frame_equal( core_result, expected_core, check_dtype=False, check_like=True ) helper_result = pd.concat([data["helper"] for data in result]) expected_helper = pd.DataFrame({"P": [2], "info": "b"}) pdt.assert_frame_equal( helper_result, expected_helper, check_dtype=False, check_like=True )
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "predicates", [ [[("P", "==", 2), ("TARGET", "==", 2)]], [[("P", "in", [2]), ("TARGET", "==", 2)]], [[("P", "!=", 1), ("L", "==", 2)]], [[("P", "!=", 1), ("L", "in", [2])]], [[("P", ">", 2)], [("TARGET", ">=", 2)]], [[("P", ">=", 2)], [("TARGET", ">=", 2)]], ], ) def test_read_dataset_as_dataframes_predicate_with_partition_keys( dataset_partition_keys, store_session_factory, custom_read_parameters, bound_load_dataframes, predicates, output_type, ): if output_type != "dataframe": pytest.skip() result = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid=dataset_partition_keys.uuid, store=store_session_factory, predicates=predicates, tables=[SINGLE_TABLE], **custom_read_parameters, ) core_result = pd.concat([data[SINGLE_TABLE] for data in result]) expected_core = pd.DataFrame( { "P": [2], "L": [2], "TARGET": [2], "DATE": pd.to_datetime([, 12, 31)]), } ) pdt.assert_frame_equal( core_result, expected_core, check_dtype=False, check_like=True )
[docs]def test_read_dataset_as_dataframes_predicate_empty( dataset_partition_keys, store_session_factory, custom_read_parameters, output_type, bound_load_dataframes, ): if output_type != "dataframe": pytest.skip() result = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid=dataset_partition_keys.uuid, store=store_session_factory, predicates=[[("P", "==", -42)]], tables=[SINGLE_TABLE], columns={SINGLE_TABLE: ["P", "L", "TARGET"]}, **custom_read_parameters, ) assert len(result) == 0
def _gen_partition(b_c): b, c = b_c df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1], "b": [b], "c": c}) return {"data": [("data", df)]}
[docs]def test_read_dataset_as_dataframes_concat_primary( store_factory, custom_read_parameters, bound_load_dataframes, output_type, metadata_version, ): if output_type != "dataframe": pytest.skip() partitions = [] for part_info in [["1", "H"], ["1", "G"], ["2", "H"], ["2", "G"]]: partitions.append(_gen_partition(part_info)) store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=partitions, store=store_factory, dataset_uuid="partitioned_uuid", metadata_version=metadata_version, partition_on=["a", "b"], ) result = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid="partitioned_uuid", store=store_factory, concat_partitions_on_primary_index=True, predicates=[[("b", "==", "1")]], **custom_read_parameters, ) result_df = result[0]["data"].sort_values(by="c") expected_df = pd.DataFrame( {"a": [1, 1], "b": ["1", "1"], "c": ["G", "H"]} ).sort_values(by="c") # Concatenated DataFrames have also a concatenated index. # Reflect this in the test. expected_df.index = [0, 0] pdt.assert_frame_equal(expected_df, result_df, check_like=True)
[docs]def test_read_dataset_as_dataframes_dispatch_by_empty( store_session_factory, dataset_dispatch_by, bound_load_dataframes, backend_identifier, output_type, metadata_version, dataset_dispatch_by_uuid, ): if output_type == "table": pytest.skip() # Dispatch by primary index "A" dispatched = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid=dataset_dispatch_by_uuid, store=store_session_factory, dispatch_by=[], ) assert len(dispatched) == 1
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("dispatch_by", ["A", "B", "C"]) def test_read_dataset_as_dataframes_dispatch_by_single_col( store_session_factory, dataset_dispatch_by, bound_load_dataframes, backend_identifier, dispatch_by, output_type, metadata_version, dataset_dispatch_by_uuid, ): if output_type == "table": pytest.skip() # Dispatch by primary index "A" dispatched_a = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid=dataset_dispatch_by_uuid, store=store_session_factory, dispatch_by=[dispatch_by], ) unique_a = set() for part in dispatched_a: if isinstance(part, MetaPartition): data =["data"] else: data = part["data"] unique_dispatch = data[dispatch_by].unique() assert len(unique_dispatch) == 1 assert unique_dispatch[0] not in unique_a unique_a.add(unique_dispatch[0])
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope="session") def dataset_dispatch_by_uuid(): import uuid return uuid.uuid1().hex
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope="session") def dataset_dispatch_by( metadata_version, store_session_factory, dataset_dispatch_by_uuid ): cluster1 = pd.DataFrame( {"A": [1, 1], "B": [10, 10], "C": [1, 2], "Content": ["cluster1", "cluster1"]} ) cluster2 = pd.DataFrame( {"A": [1, 1], "B": [10, 10], "C": [2, 3], "Content": ["cluster2", "cluster2"]} ) cluster3 = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1], "B": [20], "C": [1], "Content": ["cluster3"]}) cluster4 = pd.DataFrame( {"A": [2, 2], "B": [10, 10], "C": [1, 2], "Content": ["cluster4", "cluster4"]} ) clusters = [cluster1, cluster2, cluster3, cluster4] partitions = [{"data": [("data", c)]} for c in clusters] store_dataframes_as_dataset__iter( df_generator=partitions, store=store_session_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_dispatch_by_uuid, metadata_version=metadata_version, partition_on=["A", "B"], secondary_indices=["C"], ) return pd.concat(clusters).sort_values(["A", "B", "C"]).reset_index(drop=True)
[docs]def test_read_dataset_as_dataframes_dispatch_by_multi_col( store_session_factory, bound_load_dataframes, output_type, dataset_dispatch_by, dataset_dispatch_by_uuid, ): if output_type == "table": pytest.skip() for dispatch_by in permutations(("A", "B", "C"), 2): dispatched = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid=dataset_dispatch_by_uuid, store=store_session_factory, dispatch_by=dispatch_by, ) uniques = pd.DataFrame(columns=dispatch_by) for part in dispatched: if isinstance(part, MetaPartition): data =["data"] else: data = part["data"] unique_dispatch = data[list(dispatch_by)].drop_duplicates() assert len(unique_dispatch) == 1 row = unique_dispatch uniques.append(row) assert not any(uniques.duplicated())
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "dispatch_by, predicates, expected_dispatches", [ # This should only dispatch one partition since there is only # one file with valid data points (["A"], [[("C", ">", 2)]], 1), # We dispatch and restrict to one valie, i.e. one dispatch (["B"], [[("B", "==", 10)]], 1), # The same is true for a non-partition index col (["C"], [[("C", "==", 1)]], 1), # A condition where both primary and secondary indices need to work together (["A", "C"], [[("A", ">", 1), ("C", "<", 3)]], 2), ], ) def test_read_dispatch_by_with_predicates( store_session_factory, dataset_dispatch_by_uuid, bound_load_dataframes, dataset_dispatch_by, dispatch_by, output_type, expected_dispatches, predicates, ): if output_type == "table": pytest.skip() dispatched = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid=dataset_dispatch_by_uuid, store=store_session_factory, dispatch_by=dispatch_by, predicates=predicates, ) assert len(dispatched) == expected_dispatches, dispatched
[docs]def test_read_dataset_as_dataframes( dataset, store_session_factory, dataset_factory, use_dataset_factory, bound_load_dataframes, use_categoricals, output_type, label_filter, dates_as_object, ): if use_dataset_factory: dataset_uuid = dataset.uuid store_factory = store_session_factory ds_factory = None else: dataset_uuid = None store_factory = None ds_factory = dataset_factory _perform_read_test( dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store_factory=store_factory, ds_factory=ds_factory, execute_read_callable=bound_load_dataframes, use_categoricals=use_categoricals, output_type=output_type, label_filter=label_filter, dates_as_object=dates_as_object, )
[docs]def test_read_dataset_alternative_table_name( dataset_alternative_table_name, store_factory, dataset_factory_alternative_table_name, use_dataset_factory, bound_load_dataframes, use_categoricals, output_type, label_filter, dates_as_object, alternative_table_name, ): if use_dataset_factory: dataset_uuid = dataset_alternative_table_name.uuid ds_factory = None else: dataset_uuid = None store_factory = None ds_factory = dataset_factory_alternative_table_name # the table to be read must be passed either as string or list if isinstance(bound_load_dataframes, partial): if output_type == "table": # dask delayed read_kwargs = {"tables": alternative_table_name} else: # iter or dask bag read_kwargs = {"tables": [alternative_table_name]} elif (bound_load_dataframes.__name__ == "_read_table") or ( bound_load_dataframes.__name__ == "_read_as_ddf" ): # eager table or dask dataframe read_kwargs = {"tables": alternative_table_name} else: # eager dataframe read_kwargs = {"tables": [alternative_table_name]} _perform_read_test( dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store_factory=store_factory, ds_factory=ds_factory, execute_read_callable=bound_load_dataframes, use_categoricals=use_categoricals, output_type=output_type, label_filter=label_filter, dates_as_object=dates_as_object, table_name=alternative_table_name, read_kwargs=read_kwargs, test_helper=False, )
[docs]def test_read_dataset_as_dataframes_columns_projection( store_factory, bound_load_dataframes, metadata_version ): table_name = SINGLE_TABLE def _f(b_c): b, c = b_c df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 1], "b": [b, b], "c": c, "d": [b, b + 1]}) return {"label": str(c), "data": [(table_name, df)]} in_partitions = [_f([1, 100])] dataset_uuid = "partitioned_uuid" store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=in_partitions, store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, metadata_version=metadata_version, partition_on=["a", "b"], ) result = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store=store_factory, columns={table_name: ["a", "b", "c"]}, ) probe = result[0] if isinstance(probe, MetaPartition): result_dfs = [[table_name] for mp in result] elif isinstance(probe, dict): result_dfs = [mp[table_name] for mp in result] else: result_dfs = result result_df = pd.concat(result_dfs).reset_index(drop=True) expected_df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 1], "b": [1, 1], "c": [100, 100]}) pdt.assert_frame_equal(expected_df, result_df, check_like=True)
[docs]def test_read_dataset_as_dataframes_columns_primary_index_only( store_factory, bound_load_dataframes, metadata_version ): table_name = SINGLE_TABLE def _f(b_c): b, c = b_c df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 1], "b": [b, b], "c": c, "d": [b, b + 1]}) return {"label": str(c), "data": [(table_name, df)]} in_partitions = [_f([1, 100])] dataset_uuid = "partitioned_uuid" store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=in_partitions, store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, metadata_version=metadata_version, partition_on=["a", "b"], ) result = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store=store_factory, columns={table_name: ["a", "b"]} ) probe = result[0] if isinstance(probe, MetaPartition): result_dfs = [[table_name] for mp in result] elif isinstance(probe, dict): result_dfs = [mp[table_name] for mp in result] else: result_dfs = result result_df = pd.concat(result_dfs).reset_index(drop=True) expected_df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 1], "b": [1, 1]}) pdt.assert_frame_equal(expected_df, result_df, check_like=True)
[docs]def test_empty_predicate_pushdown_empty_col_projection( dataset, store_session_factory, bound_load_dataframes, backend_identifier ): table_name = SINGLE_TABLE result = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid=dataset.uuid, tables=table_name, store=store_session_factory, columns={table_name: []}, predicates=[[("P", "==", 12345678)]], # this product doesn't exist ) if backend_identifier.startswith("dask"): pytest.xfail("Output of dask for empty results is currently inconsistent") probe = result[0] if isinstance(probe, MetaPartition): result_dfs = [[table_name] for mp in result] elif isinstance(probe, dict): result_dfs = [mp[table_name] for mp in result] else: result_dfs = result res = pd.concat(result_dfs).reset_index(drop=True) pdt.assert_frame_equal(res, pd.DataFrame(index=pd.RangeIndex(start=0, stop=0)))
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("partition_on", [["a", "b"], ["c"], ["a", "b", "c"]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("datetype", [datetime.datetime,]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("comp", ["==", ">="]) def test_datetime_predicate_with_dates_as_object( dataset, store_factory, bound_load_dataframes, metadata_version, custom_read_parameters, output_type, partition_on, datetype, comp, ): table_name = SINGLE_TABLE def _f(b_c): b, c = b_c df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 1], "b": [b, b], "c": c, "d": [b, b + 1]}) return {"label": gen_uuid(), "data": [(table_name, df)]} in_partitions = [_f([1, datetype(2000, 1, 1)])] dataset_uuid = "partitioned_uuid" store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=in_partitions, store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, metadata_version=metadata_version, partition_on=partition_on, ) result = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid="partitioned_uuid", tables=table_name, store=store_factory, predicates=[[("c", comp, datetype(2000, 1, 1))]], dates_as_object=True, **custom_read_parameters, ) if output_type != "dataframe": return assert len(result) == 1 dct = result[0] assert set(dct.keys()) == {table_name} df_actual = dct[table_name] df_expected = in_partitions[0]["data"][0][1] pdt.assert_frame_equal(df_actual, df_expected, check_like=True)
[docs]def test_binary_column_metadata(store_factory, bound_load_dataframes): table_name = SINGLE_TABLE df = { "label": "part1", "data": [(table_name, pd.DataFrame({b"int_col": [1], "🙈".encode(): [2]}))], } store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=[df], store=store_factory, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid" ) result = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", store=store_factory, tables=table_name ) probe = result[0] if isinstance(probe, MetaPartition): result_dfs = [[table_name] for mp in result] elif isinstance(probe, dict): result_dfs = [mp[table_name] for mp in result] else: result_dfs = result df = pd.concat(result_dfs).reset_index(drop=True) # Assert column names are of type `str`, instead of `bytes` objects assert set( == {str}
[docs]@pytest.mark.xfail( LooseVersion(pa.__version__) < "0.16.1.dev308", reason="pa.Schema.from_pandas cannot deal with ExtensionDtype", ) def test_extensiondtype_rountrip(store_factory, bound_load_dataframes): table_name = SINGLE_TABLE df = { "label": "part1", "data": [ (table_name, pd.DataFrame({"str": pd.Series(["a", "b"], dtype="string")})) ], } store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=[df], store=store_factory, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid" ) result = bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", store=store_factory, tables=table_name ) probe = result[0] if isinstance(probe, MetaPartition): result_dfs = [[table_name] for mp in result] elif isinstance(probe, dict): result_dfs = [mp[table_name] for mp in result] else: result_dfs = result result_df = pd.concat(result_dfs).reset_index(drop=True) pdt.assert_frame_equal(df["data"][0][1], result_df)
[docs]def test_read_dataset_multi_table_warning( store_factory, metadata_version, bound_load_dataframes ): dfs = [ { "data": { "core-table": pd.DataFrame({"id": [22, 23], "f": [1.1, 2.4]}), "aux-table": pd.DataFrame({"id": [22], "col1": ["x"]}), } }, { "data": { "core-table": pd.DataFrame({"id": [29, 31], "f": [3.2, 0.6]}), "aux-table": pd.DataFrame({"id": [31], "col1": ["y"]}), } }, ] dm = store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=dfs, store=store_factory, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid" ) with pytest.warns( DeprecationWarning, match="Trying to read a dataset with multiple internal tables.*", ): bound_load_dataframes( dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", store=store_factory, tables=dm.tables[1] )