Source code for

import logging
from functools import partial
from typing import List, Union

import dask.dataframe as dd
import pandas as pd

_logger = logging.getLogger()
_PAYLOAD_COL = "__ktk_shuffle_payload"

    # Technically distributed is an optional dependency
    from distributed.protocol import serialize_bytes
    from distributed.protocol import deserialize_bytes

except ImportError:
    serialize_bytes = None
    deserialize_bytes = None

__all__ = (

[docs]def pack_payload_pandas(partition: pd.DataFrame, group_key: List[str]) -> pd.DataFrame: if not HAS_DISTRIBUTED: _logger.warning( "Shuffle payload columns cannot be compressed since distributed is not installed." ) return partition if partition.empty: res = partition[group_key] res[_PAYLOAD_COL] = b"" else: res = partition.groupby( group_key, sort=False, observed=True, # Keep the as_index s.t. the group values are not dropped. With this # the behaviour seems to be consistent along pandas versions as_index=True, ).apply(lambda x: pd.Series({_PAYLOAD_COL: serialize_bytes(x)})) res = res.reset_index() return res
[docs]def pack_payload(df: dd.DataFrame, group_key: Union[List[str], str]) -> dd.DataFrame: """ Pack all payload columns (everything except of group_key) into a single columns. This column will contain a single byte string containing the serialized and compressed payload data. The payload data is just dead weight when reshuffling. By compressing it once before the shuffle starts, this saves a lot of memory and network/disk IO. Example:: >>> import pandas as pd ... import dask.dataframe as dd ... from dask.dataframe.shuffle import pack_payload ... ... df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 1] * 2 + [2, 2] * 2 + [3, 3] * 2, "B": range(12)}) ... ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=2) >>> ddf.partitions[0].compute() A B 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 4 2 4 5 2 5 >>> pack_payload(ddf, "A").partitions[0].compute() A __dask_payload_bytes 0 1 b'\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00)\x00\x00\x03... 1 2 b'\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00)\x00\x00\x03... See also """ if ( # isinstance(df._meta.index, pd.Float64Index) # TODO: Try to find out what's going on an file a bug report # For datetime indices the apply seems to be corrupt # s.t. apply(lambda x:x) returns different values or isinstance(df._meta.index, pd.DatetimeIndex) ): return df if not HAS_DISTRIBUTED: _logger.warning( "Shuffle payload columns cannot be compressed since distributed is not installed." ) return df if not isinstance(group_key, list): group_key = [group_key] packed_meta = df._meta[group_key] packed_meta[_PAYLOAD_COL] = b"" _pack_payload = partial(pack_payload_pandas, group_key=group_key) return df.map_partitions(_pack_payload, meta=packed_meta)
[docs]def unpack_payload_pandas( partition: pd.DataFrame, unpack_meta: pd.DataFrame ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Revert ``pack_payload_pandas`` and restore packed payload unpack_meta: A dataframe indicating the schema of the unpacked data. This will be returned in case the input is empty """ if not HAS_DISTRIBUTED: _logger.warning( "Shuffle payload columns cannot be compressed since distributed is not installed." ) return partition if partition.empty: return unpack_meta.iloc[:0] mapped = partition[_PAYLOAD_COL].map(deserialize_bytes) return pd.concat(mapped.values, copy=False, ignore_index=True)
[docs]def unpack_payload(df: dd.DataFrame, unpack_meta: pd.DataFrame) -> dd.DataFrame: """Revert payload packing of ``pack_payload`` and restores full dataframe.""" if ( # isinstance(df._meta.index, pd.Float64Index) # TODO: Try to find out what's going on an file a bug report # For datetime indices the apply seems to be corrupt # s.t. apply(lambda x:x) returns different values or isinstance(df._meta.index, pd.DatetimeIndex) ): return df if not HAS_DISTRIBUTED: _logger.warning( "Shuffle payload columns cannot be compressed since distributed is not installed." ) return df return df.map_partitions( unpack_payload_pandas, unpack_meta=unpack_meta, meta=unpack_meta )