Source code for kartothek.utils.ktk_adapters

Methods to make working with Kartothek easier.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import deprecation
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
from simplekv import KeyValueStore

from kartothek.core.factory import DatasetFactory
from kartothek.core.index import ExplicitSecondaryIndex
from kartothek.core.naming import (
from kartothek.io_components.metapartition import SINGLE_TABLE
from kartothek.serialization._io_buffer import BlockBuffer
from kartothek.utils.converters import converter_str
from kartothek.utils.migration_helpers import get_generic_function_deprecation_waring

__all__ = (

[docs]@deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="5.3", removed_in="6.0", details=get_generic_function_deprecation_waring(function_name="get_dataset_schema"), ) def get_dataset_schema(dataset): """ Get schema from a Kartothek_Cube-compatible Kartothek dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset: kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadata Dataset to get the schema from. Returns ------- schema: pyarrow.Schema Schema data. """ return dataset.table_meta[SINGLE_TABLE]
[docs]def get_dataset_columns(dataset): """ Get columns present in a Kartothek_Cube-compatible Kartothek dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset: kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadata Dataset to get the columns from. Returns ------- columns: Set[str] Usable columns. """ return { converter_str(col) for col in get_dataset_schema(dataset).names if not col.startswith("__") and col != "KLEE_TS" }
[docs]def get_dataset_keys(dataset): """ Get store keys that belong to the given Kartothek dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset: kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadata Datasets to scan for keys. Returns ------- keys: Set[str] Storage keys. """ keys = set() # central metadata keys.add(dataset.uuid + METADATA_BASE_SUFFIX + METADATA_FORMAT_JSON) # common metadata for table in dataset.tables: keys.add("{}/{}/{}".format(dataset.uuid, table, TABLE_METADATA_FILE)) # indices for index in dataset.indices.values(): if isinstance(index, ExplicitSecondaryIndex): keys.add(index.index_storage_key) # partition files (usually .parquet files) for partition in dataset.partitions.values(): for f in partition.files.values(): keys.add(f) return keys
class _DummyStore(KeyValueStore): """ Dummy store that should not be used. """ pass def _dummy_store_factory(): """ Creates unusable dummy store. """ return _DummyStore()
[docs]def metadata_factory_from_dataset(dataset, with_schema=True, store=None): """ Create :class:`~kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadata` from :class:`~kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadata`. Parameters ---------- dataset: kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadata Already loaded dataset. with_schema: bool If dataset was loaded with ``load_schema``. store: Optional[Callable[[], simplekv.KeyValueStore]] Optional store factory. Returns ------- factory: DatasetFactory Metadata factory w/ caches pre-filled. """ factory = DatasetFactory( dataset_uuid=dataset.uuid, store_factory=store or _dummy_store_factory, load_schema=with_schema, ) factory._cache_metadata = dataset factory.is_loaded = True return factory
[docs]def get_physical_partition_stats(metapartitions, store): """ Get statistics for partition. .. hint:: To get the metapartitions pre-aligned, use ``concat_partitions_on_primary_index=True`` during dispatch. Parameters ---------- metapartitions: Iterable[kartothek.io_components.metapartition.MetaPartition] Iterable of metapartitions belonging to the same physical partition. store: Union[simplekv.KeyValueStore, Callable[[], simplekv.KeyValueStore]] KV store. Returns ------- stats: Dict[str, int] Statistics for the current partition. """ if callable(store): store = store() files = 0 blobsize = 0 rows = 0 for mp in metapartitions: for f in mp.files.values(): files += 1 fp = BlockBuffer( try: fp_parquet = pq.ParquetFile(fp) rows += fp_parquet.metadata.num_rows blobsize += fp.size finally: fp.close() return {"blobsize": blobsize, "files": files, "partitions": 1, "rows": rows}
[docs]def get_partition_dataframe(dataset, cube): """ Create DataFrame that represent the partioning of the dataset. The row index named ``"partition"`` include the partition labels, the columns are the physical partition columns. Parameters ---------- dataset: kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadata Dataset to analyze, with partition indices pre-loaded. cube: kartothek.core.cube.cube.Cube Cube spec. Returns ------- df: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with partition data. """ cols = sorted(set(dataset.partition_keys) - {"KLEE_TS"}) if not cols: return pd.DataFrame( index=pd.Index(sorted(dataset.partitions.keys()), name="partition") ) series_list = [] for pcol in cols: series_list.append( dataset.indices[pcol].as_flat_series( partitions_as_index=True, compact=False ) ) return ( pd.concat(series_list, axis=1, sort=False) .sort_index() .rename_axis(index="partition") )