Source code for kartothek.io_components.cube.remove

from functools import reduce

from kartothek.core.cube.conditions import Conjunction
from kartothek.core.cube.constants import KTK_CUBE_METADATA_VERSION
from kartothek.io_components.metapartition import MetaPartition
from kartothek.utils.converters import converter_str_set_optional
from kartothek.utils.ktk_adapters import get_partition_dataframe

__all__ = ("prepare_metapartitions_for_removal_action",)

[docs]def prepare_metapartitions_for_removal_action( cube, store, conditions, ktk_cube_dataset_ids, existing_datasets ): """ Prepare MetaPartition to express removal of given data range from cube. The MetaPartition must still be written using ``mp.store_dataframes(...)`` and added to the Dataset using a kartothek update method. Parameters ---------- cube: kartothek.core.cube.cube.Cube Cube spec. store: Union[simplekv.KeyValueStore, Callable[[], simplekv.KeyValueStore]] Store. conditions: Union[None, Condition, Iterable[Condition], Conjunction] Conditions that should be applied, optional. Defaults to "entire cube". ktk_cube_dataset_ids: Optional[Union[Iterable[str], str]] Ktk_cube dataset IDs to apply the remove action to, optional. Default to "all". existing_datasets: Dict[str, kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadata] Existing datasets. Returns ------- metapartitions: Dict[str, Tuple[kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadata, kartothek.io_components.metapartition.MetaPartition, List[Dict[str, Any]]]] MetaPartitions that should be written and updatet to the kartothek datasets as well as the ``delete_scope`` for kartothek. """ conditions = Conjunction(conditions) conditions_split = conditions.split_by_column() if set(conditions_split.keys()) - set(cube.partition_columns): raise ValueError( "Can only remove partitions with conditions concerning cubes physical partition columns." ) ktk_cube_dataset_ids = converter_str_set_optional(ktk_cube_dataset_ids) if ktk_cube_dataset_ids is not None: unknown_dataset_ids = ktk_cube_dataset_ids - set(existing_datasets.keys()) if unknown_dataset_ids: raise ValueError( "Unknown ktk_cube_dataset_ids: {}".format( ", ".join(sorted(unknown_dataset_ids)) ) ) else: ktk_cube_dataset_ids = set(existing_datasets.keys()) metapartitions = {} for ktk_cube_dataset_id in ktk_cube_dataset_ids: ds = existing_datasets[ktk_cube_dataset_id] ds = ds.load_partition_indices() mp = _prepare_mp_empty(ds) if not ds.partition_keys: # no partition keys --> delete all delete_scope = [{}] else: df_partitions = get_partition_dataframe(dataset=ds, cube=cube) df_partitions = df_partitions.drop_duplicates() local_condition = reduce( lambda a, b: a & b, ( cond for col, cond in conditions_split.items() if col in df_partitions.columns ), Conjunction([]), ) df_partitions = local_condition.filter_df(df_partitions) delete_scope = df_partitions.to_dict(orient="records") metapartitions[ktk_cube_dataset_id] = (ds, mp, delete_scope) return metapartitions
def _prepare_mp_empty(dataset): """ Generate empty partition w/o any data for given cube. Parameters ---------- dataset: kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadata Dataset to build empty MetaPartition for. Returns ------- mp: kartothek.io_components.metapartition.MetaPartition MetaPartition, must still be added to the Dataset using a kartothek update method. """ return MetaPartition( label=None, metadata_version=KTK_CUBE_METADATA_VERSION, partition_keys=dataset.partition_keys, )