Source code for kartothek.io_components.cube.common

Common utilities used by all IO operations.
import uuid

__all__ = ("assert_stores_different", "check_blocksize", "check_store_factory")

[docs]def check_store_factory(store): """ Check that given store is a factory. Parameters ---------- store: Any Store passed by the user. Raises ------ TypeError: In case the store is not a factory. """ if not callable(store): raise TypeError( "store must be a factory but is {}".format(type(store).__name__) )
[docs]def assert_stores_different(store1, store2, prefix): """ Check that given stores are different. This is a workaround for tha fact that simplekv stores normally do not implemenent some sane equality check. Parameters ---------- store1: Union[simplekv.KeyValueStore, Callable[[], simplekv.KeyValueStore]] First store. store2: Union[simplekv.KeyValueStore, Callable[[], simplekv.KeyValueStore]] Second store, will be used to write a test key to. prefix: str Prefix to be used for the temporary key used for the equality check. Raises ------ ValueError: If stores are considered to be identical. """ if callable(store1): store1 = store1() if callable(store2): store2 = store2() key = "{prefix}/.test_store_difference.{uuid}".format( prefix=prefix, uuid=uuid.uuid4().hex ) try: store2.put(key, b"") try: store1.get(key) raise ValueError("Stores are identical but should not be.") except KeyError: pass finally: try: store2.delete(key) except KeyError: pass
[docs]def check_blocksize(blocksize): """ Check that given blocksize is a positive integer. Parameters ---------- blocksize: Any Blocksize passed by the user. Raises ------ TypeError: In case the blocksize is not an integer. ValueError: In case the blocksize is < 0. """ if not isinstance(blocksize, int): raise TypeError( "blocksize must be an integer but is {}".format(type(blocksize).__name__) ) if blocksize <= 0: raise ValueError("blocksize must be > 0 but is {}".format(blocksize))