Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=E1101

import datetime
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytest

from kartothek.core.dataset import DatasetMetadata
from kartothek.core.index import ExplicitSecondaryIndex
from kartothek.core.naming import DEFAULT_METADATA_VERSION
from kartothek.core.testing import TIME_TO_FREEZE_ISO
from import (
from import read_dataset_as_dataframes__iterator
from kartothek.io_components.metapartition import SINGLE_TABLE

[docs]def test_update_dataset_with_partitions__reducer( store_factory, metadata_version, bound_update_dataset, mocker, store ): partitions = [ { "label": "cluster_1", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({"p": [1]}))], "indices": {"p": ExplicitSecondaryIndex("p", index_dct={1: ["cluster_1"]})}, }, { "label": "cluster_2", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({"p": [2]}))], "indices": {"p": ExplicitSecondaryIndex("p", index_dct={2: ["cluster_2"]})}, }, ] dataset = bound_update_dataset( partitions, store=store_factory, metadata={"dataset": "metadata"}, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", default_metadata_version=metadata_version, secondary_indices=["p"], ) dataset = dataset.load_index("p", store) part3 = { "label": "cluster_3", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({"p": [3]}))], "indices": {"p": ExplicitSecondaryIndex("p", index_dct={3: ["cluster_3"]})}, } dataset_updated = bound_update_dataset( [part3], store=store_factory, delete_scope=[{"p": 1}], metadata={"extra": "metadata"}, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", default_metadata_version=metadata_version, secondary_indices=["p"], ) dataset_updated = dataset_updated.load_index("p", store) # First check the index. if they are as expected, use them to determine label name exp_idx_values = {1, 2} ind = dataset.indices["p"] ind_updated = dataset_updated.indices["p"] assert set(ind.index_dct.keys()) == exp_idx_values exp_updated_idx_values = {2, 3} assert set(ind_updated.index_dct.keys()) == exp_updated_idx_values assert ind_updated.index_dct[2] == ind.index_dct[2] assert ind.index_dct[1] != ind_updated.index_dct[3] expected_metadata = {"dataset": "metadata", "extra": "metadata"} # We do not mock the time resolution of this test since otherwise we cannot ensure # that the indices are not overwritten expected_metadata["creation_time"] = dataset_updated.metadata["creation_time"] assert dataset_updated.metadata == expected_metadata assert dataset_updated.uuid == "dataset_uuid" store_files = list(store.keys()) # 1 dataset metadata file and 2 index file and 3 partition files # common metadata for v4 datasets (1 table) expected_number_files = 7 assert len(store_files) == expected_number_files # Ensure the dataset can be loaded properly stored_dataset = DatasetMetadata.load_from_store("dataset_uuid", store) stored_dataset = stored_dataset.load_index("p", store) assert dataset_updated == stored_dataset
[docs]def test_update_dataset_with_partitions_alternative_name( bound_update_dataset, store, dataset_alternative_table_name, store_factory, dataset_factory_alternative_table_name, alternative_table_name, ): # input: dataset with two rows # update dataset with data for "other_table" new_data = { "data": [ ( alternative_table_name, pd.DataFrame( { "P": [3], "L": [3], "TARGET": [3], "DATE": [, 12, 30)], } ), ), ] } read_kwargs = {} if bound_update_dataset.__name__ == "_update_dataset": read_kwargs = {"table": alternative_table_name} _ = bound_update_dataset( [new_data], store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_alternative_table_name.uuid, **read_kwargs, ) # result should have three rows result = read_dataset_as_dataframes( dataset_uuid=dataset_alternative_table_name.uuid, store=store_factory ) assert len(result) == 3 # update dataset with data for standard table name (should raise an Error) new_data_2 = { "data": [ ( SINGLE_TABLE, pd.DataFrame( { "P": [4], "L": [4], "TARGET": [4], "DATE": [, 12, 30)], } ), ), ] } # may raise ValueError or TypeError, depending on implementation with pytest.raises(Exception): _ = bound_update_dataset( [new_data_2], store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_alternative_table_name.uuid, **read_kwargs, )
[docs]def test_update_dataset_with_partitions_no_index_input_info( store_factory, metadata_version, bound_update_dataset, store ): partitions = [ { "label": "cluster_1", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({"p": [1]}))], "indices": {"p": ExplicitSecondaryIndex("p", index_dct={1: ["cluster_1"]})}, }, { "label": "cluster_2", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({"p": [2]}))], "indices": {"p": ExplicitSecondaryIndex("p", index_dct={2: ["cluster_2"]})}, }, ] dataset = store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=partitions, store=store_factory, metadata={"dataset": "metadata"}, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", metadata_version=metadata_version, ) # The input information doesn't explicitly provide index information # Since the dataset has an index, it must be updated either way part3 = {"label": "cluster_3", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({"p": [3]}))]} dataset_updated = bound_update_dataset( [part3], store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset.uuid, delete_scope=[{"p": 1}], metadata={"extra": "metadata"}, default_metadata_version=metadata_version, secondary_indices=["p"], ) dataset_updated = dataset_updated.load_all_indices(store) assert 3 in dataset_updated.indices["p"].to_dict()
[docs]def test_update_dataset_with_partitions__reducer_delete_only( store_factory, metadata_version, frozen_time_em, bound_update_dataset, store ): partitions = [ { "label": "cluster_1", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({"p": [1]}))], "indices": {"p": ExplicitSecondaryIndex("p", index_dct={1: ["cluster_1"]})}, }, { "label": "cluster_2", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({"p": [2]}))], "indices": {"p": ExplicitSecondaryIndex("p", index_dct={2: ["cluster_2"]})}, }, ] dataset = store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=partitions, store=store_factory, metadata={"dataset": "metadata"}, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", metadata_version=metadata_version, ) dataset = dataset.load_index("p", store) empty_part = [] dataset_updated = bound_update_dataset( [empty_part], store=store_factory, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", delete_scope=[{"p": 1}], metadata={"extra": "metadata"}, default_metadata_version=metadata_version, secondary_indices=["p"], ) dataset_updated = dataset_updated.load_index("p", store) assert sorted(dataset.partitions) == ["cluster_1", "cluster_2"] assert list(dataset_updated.partitions) == ["cluster_2"] store_files = list(store.keys()) # 1 dataset metadata file and 1 index file and 2 partition files # note: the update writes a new index file but due to frozen_time this gets # the same name as the previous one and overwrites it. expected_number_files = 4 # common metadata for v4 datasets (1 table) expected_number_files += 1 assert len(store_files) == expected_number_files assert dataset.indices["p"].index_dct == {1: ["cluster_1"], 2: ["cluster_2"]} assert dataset_updated.indices["p"].index_dct == {2: ["cluster_2"]} # Ensure the dataset can be loaded properly stored_dataset = DatasetMetadata.load_from_store("dataset_uuid", store) stored_dataset = stored_dataset.load_index("p", store) assert dataset_updated == stored_dataset
[docs]def test_update_dataset_with_partitions__reducer_partitions( store_factory, frozen_time_em, bound_update_dataset ): assert set(store_factory().keys()) == set() df1 = pd.DataFrame( {"P": [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], "L": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], "TARGET": np.arange(10, 16)} ) df2 = df1.copy(deep=True) df2.L = 2 df2.TARGET += 2 df_list = [ { "label": "cluster_1", "data": [("core", df1)], "indices": {"L": {k: ["cluster_1"] for k in df1["L"].unique()}}, }, { "label": "cluster_2", "data": [("core", df2)], "indices": {"L": {k: ["cluster_2"] for k in df2["L"].unique()}}, }, ] dataset = store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=df_list, store=store_factory, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", partition_on=["P"], metadata_version=4, ) dataset_loadedidx = dataset.load_all_indices(store=store_factory()) cluster_1_label = ( dataset_loadedidx.indices["L"].eval_operator(op="==", value=1).pop() ) cluster_1_label = cluster_1_label.split("/")[-1] cluster_2_label = ( dataset_loadedidx.indices["L"].eval_operator(op="==", value=2).pop() ) cluster_2_label = cluster_2_label.split("/")[-1] df3 = df2.copy(deep=True) df3.TARGET -= 5 part3 = { "label": "cluster_3", "data": {"core": df3}, "indices": {"L": {k: ["cluster_3"] for k in df3["L"].unique()}}, } dataset_updated = bound_update_dataset( [part3], store=store_factory, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", delete_scope=[{"L": 2}], metadata={"extra": "metadata"}, partition_on=["P"], secondary_indices=["L"], ) dataset_updated_loadedidx = dataset_updated.load_all_indices(store=store_factory()) cluster_3_labels = dataset_updated_loadedidx.indices["L"].eval_operator( op="==", value=2 ) cluster_3_label = {c3_label.split("/")[-1] for c3_label in cluster_3_labels} assert len(cluster_3_label) == 1 cluster_3_label = cluster_3_label.pop() exp_partitions = [ "P=1/{}".format(cluster_1_label), "P=1/{}".format(cluster_3_label), "P=2/{}".format(cluster_1_label), "P=2/{}".format(cluster_3_label), "P=3/{}".format(cluster_1_label), "P=3/{}".format(cluster_3_label), ] assert sorted(exp_partitions) == sorted(dataset_updated.partitions.keys()) updated_idx_keys = sorted(dataset_updated.indices.keys()) assert sorted(dataset.indices.keys()) == updated_idx_keys expected_new_idx = {} for k, v in dataset_loadedidx.indices["P"].index_dct.items(): val = [pl.replace(cluster_2_label, cluster_3_label) for pl in v] expected_new_idx[k] = val updated_P_idx_dct = dataset_updated_loadedidx.indices["P"].index_dct assert sorted(expected_new_idx.keys()) == sorted(updated_P_idx_dct.keys()) for k, v in updated_P_idx_dct.items(): assert sorted(expected_new_idx[k]) == sorted(v)
[docs]def test_update_dataset_with_partitions__reducer_nonexistent( store_factory, metadata_version, frozen_time_em, bound_update_dataset, store ): part3 = { "label": "cluster_3", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({"p": [3]}))], "indices": {"p": ExplicitSecondaryIndex("p", index_dct={3: ["cluster_3"]})}, } dataset_updated = bound_update_dataset( [part3], store=store_factory, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", delete_scope=[{"p": 1}], metadata={"extra": "metadata"}, default_metadata_version=metadata_version, secondary_indices=["p"], ) dataset_updated = dataset_updated.load_index("p", store) ind_updated = dataset_updated.indices["p"] cluster_3_label = ind_updated.eval_operator(op="==", value=3).pop() expected_metadata = {"extra": "metadata"} expected_metadata["creation_time"] = TIME_TO_FREEZE_ISO assert dataset_updated.metadata == expected_metadata assert list(dataset_updated.partitions) == [cluster_3_label] updated_part_c3 = dataset_updated.partitions[cluster_3_label] assert updated_part_c3.label == cluster_3_label assert dataset_updated.uuid == "dataset_uuid" store_files = list(store.keys()) # 1 dataset metadata file and 1 index file and 1 partition files # note: the update writes a new index file but due to frozen_time this gets # the same name as the previous one and overwrites it. expected_number_files = 3 # common metadata for v4 datasets (1 table) expected_number_files += 1 assert len(store_files) == expected_number_files exp_updated_idx = {3: [cluster_3_label]} assert dataset_updated.indices["p"].index_dct == exp_updated_idx # Ensure the dataset can be loaded properly stored_dataset = DatasetMetadata.load_from_store("dataset_uuid", store) stored_dataset = stored_dataset.load_index("p", store) assert dataset_updated == stored_dataset
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "dfs,ok", [ ( [ pd.DataFrame( { "P": pd.Series([1], dtype=np.int64), "X": pd.Series([1], dtype=np.int64), } ), pd.DataFrame( { "P": pd.Series([2], dtype=np.int64), "X": pd.Series([2], dtype=np.int64), } ), ], True, ), ( [ pd.DataFrame( { "P": pd.Series([1], dtype=np.int64), "X": pd.Series([1], dtype=np.int32), } ), pd.DataFrame( { "P": pd.Series([2], dtype=np.int64), "X": pd.Series([2], dtype=np.int16), } ), ], True, ), ( [ pd.DataFrame( { "P": pd.Series([1], dtype=np.int16), "X": pd.Series([1], dtype=np.int64), } ), pd.DataFrame( { "P": pd.Series([2], dtype=np.int32), "X": pd.Series([2], dtype=np.int64), } ), ], True, ), ( [ pd.DataFrame( { "P": pd.Series([1], dtype=np.int64), "X": pd.Series([1], dtype=np.int64), } ), pd.DataFrame( { "P": pd.Series([2], dtype=np.int64), "X": pd.Series([2], dtype=np.uint64), } ), ], False, ), ( [ pd.DataFrame( { "P": pd.Series([1], dtype=np.int64), "X": pd.Series([1], dtype=np.int64), } ), pd.DataFrame( { "P": pd.Series([2], dtype=np.int64), "X": pd.Series([2], dtype=np.int64), "Y": pd.Series([2], dtype=np.int64), } ), ], False, ), ( [ pd.DataFrame( { "P": pd.Series([1, 2], dtype=np.int64), "X": pd.Series([1, 2], dtype=np.int64), } ), pd.DataFrame( { "P": pd.Series([3], dtype=np.int64), "X": pd.Series([3], dtype=np.uint64), } ), ], False, ), ], ) def test_schema_check_update(dfs, ok, store_factory, bound_update_dataset): df_list = [{"label": "cluster_1", "data": [("core", df)]} for df in dfs] store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=df_list[:1], store=store_factory, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", partition_on=["P"], metadata_version=4, ) pipe = partial( bound_update_dataset, store=store_factory, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", partition_on=["P"], ) if ok: pipe(df_list[1:]) else: with pytest.raises( Exception, match=r"Schemas\sfor\stable\s\\*'core\\*'\sof\sdataset\s\\*'dataset_uuid\\*'\sare\snot\scompatible!", ): pipe(df_list[1:])
[docs]def test_sort_partitions_by( store_factory, metadata_version, frozen_time_em, bound_update_dataset ): df1 = pd.DataFrame({"P": [3], "L": [1], "TARGET": [1]}) df2 = pd.DataFrame( { "P": [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], "L": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], "TARGET": list(reversed(np.arange(10, 16))), } ) df3 = pd.DataFrame( { "P": [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], "L": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], "TARGET": [88, 1, 5, 99, 12, 11], } ) df_list = [{"label": "cluster_1", "data": [("core", df1)]}] new_partitions = [ {"label": "cluster_2", "data": [("core", df2)]}, {"label": "cluster_3", "data": [("core", df3)]}, ] store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=df_list, store=store_factory, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", metadata_version=metadata_version, ) bound_update_dataset( new_partitions, store=store_factory, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid", metadata={"extra": "metadata"}, default_metadata_version=metadata_version, sort_partitions_by=["TARGET"], ) # Check that the `sort_partitions_by` column is indeed sorted monotonically among partitions for label_df_tupl in read_dataset_as_dataframes__iterator( store=store_factory, dataset_uuid="dataset_uuid" ): for _, df in label_df_tupl.items(): assert (df.TARGET == sorted(df.TARGET)).all()
[docs]def test_metadata_version( store_factory, bound_update_dataset, mock_default_metadata_version, backend_identifier, ): if backend_identifier in ("dask.dataframe", "dask.delayed"): pytest.skip() # TODO: fix `io.dask.*.test_update._update_dataset` dataset_uuid = "dataset_uuid" partitions = [ {"label": "cluster_1", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({"p": [1, 2]}))]}, {"label": "cluster_2", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({"p": [2, 3]}))]}, ] dataset = store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=partitions, store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, metadata_version=DEFAULT_METADATA_VERSION, ) with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="Traversed through mock"): # Try to commit data to dataset using a different metadata version # and different data format (format is mocked) # This does not raise when the `parse_input_to_metapartition` # argument is `default_metadata_version` instead of `metadata_version` new_partitions = ("core", pd.DataFrame({"p": [2, 3]})) bound_update_dataset( new_partitions, store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, default_metadata_version=mock_default_metadata_version, ) mps = read_dataset_as_metapartitions(store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid) assert len(mps) == len(dataset.partitions)
[docs]def test_raises_on_invalid_input(store_factory, bound_update_dataset): dataset_uuid = "dataset_uuid" partitions = [ {"label": "cluster_1", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({"p": [1, 2]}))]}, {"label": "cluster_2", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({"p": [2, 3]}))]}, ] dataset = store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=partitions, store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid ) with pytest.raises(Exception): new_partitions = [({"stuff"}, [("something", {1, 2, 3})])] # invalid format bound_update_dataset( new_partitions, store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid ) # Check no new partitions have been written to storage mps = read_dataset_as_metapartitions(store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid) assert len(mps) == len(dataset.partitions)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("define_indices_on_partition", (False, True)) def test_raises_on_new_index_creation( backend_identifier, store_factory, bound_update_dataset, define_indices_on_partition ): # This test can be removed once the variable index input is removed in # favour of the test `test_update_secondary_indices_subset` if backend_identifier == "dask.dataframe" and define_indices_on_partition: pytest.skip() # Constructs a dataframe which ignores index information passed as dict dataset_uuid = "dataset_uuid" index_column = "p" partitions = [ {"label": "cluster_1", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({index_column: [1, 2]}))]} ] new_partition = { "label": "cluster_2", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({index_column: [2, 3]}))], } dataset_update_secondary_indices = [index_column] if define_indices_on_partition: dataset_update_secondary_indices = None new_partition["indices"] = { index_column: ExplicitSecondaryIndex( index_column, { k: [new_partition["label"]] for k in new_partition["data"][0][1][index_column].unique() }, ) } # Create dataset without secondary indices store_dataframes_as_dataset( dfs=partitions, store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid ) with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Incorrect indices provided for dataset"): bound_update_dataset( [new_partition], store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, secondary_indices=dataset_update_secondary_indices, )
[docs]def test_update_secondary_indices_subset(store_factory, bound_update_dataset): df1 = pd.DataFrame({"A": range(10), "indexed": 1}) dataset_uuid = "dataset_uuid" bound_update_dataset( df1, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store=store_factory, secondary_indices="indexed" ) df2 = pd.DataFrame({"A": range(10), "indexed": 2}) # secondary index is omitted. Kartothek should pick it up regardless bound_update_dataset(df2, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store=store_factory) dm = DatasetMetadata.load_from_store( dataset_uuid, store_factory(), load_all_indices=True ) obs_values = dm.indices["indexed"].observed_values() assert sorted(obs_values) == [1, 2] with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Incorrect indices provided"): # secondary index is omitted. Kartothek should pick it up regardless bound_update_dataset( df2, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store=store_factory, secondary_indices="A" )
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("define_indices_on_partition", (False, True)) def test_update_first_time_with_secondary_indices( store_factory, bound_update_dataset, define_indices_on_partition ): """ Check it is possible to create a new dataset with indices defined either on partition or using the `secondary_indices` kwarg. The intention of this test is to verify that there are no exceptions raised related to index validation when a dataset is created using an `update` function """ dataset_uuid = "dataset_uuid" index_column = "p" new_partition = { "label": "cluster_1", "data": [("core", pd.DataFrame({index_column: [1, 2]}))], } dataset_update_secondary_indices = [index_column] if define_indices_on_partition: dataset_update_secondary_indices = None new_partition["indices"] = { index_column: ExplicitSecondaryIndex( index_column, { k: [new_partition["label"]] for k in new_partition["data"][0][1][index_column].unique() }, ) } bound_update_dataset( [new_partition], store=store_factory, dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, secondary_indices=dataset_update_secondary_indices, )
[docs]def test_partition_on_null(store_factory, bound_update_dataset): # gh-262 keys = ["a", "b", "c", np.nan] values = range(len(keys)) d = dict(zip(keys, values)) df = ( pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient="index") .reset_index() .rename(columns={"index": "part", 0: "value"}) ) with pytest.raises( Exception, match=r"Original dataframe size .* on a column with null values." ): bound_update_dataset( [{"data": {"table": df}}], store=store_factory, dataset_uuid="a_unique_dataset_identifier", partition_on=["part"], )
[docs]def test_update_infers_partition_on(store_factory, bound_update_dataset, df_not_nested): dataset_uuid = "dataset_uuid" dataset = bound_update_dataset( [{"data": {"table": df_not_nested}}], dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store=store_factory, partition_on=df_not_nested.columns[0], ) # update the dataset # do not use partition_on since it should be interfered from the existing dataset updated_dataset = bound_update_dataset( [{"data": {"table": df_not_nested}}], dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store=store_factory, ) assert len(updated_dataset.partitions) == 2 * len(dataset.partitions)
[docs]def test_update_raises_incompatible_partition_keys( store_factory, bound_update_dataset, df_not_nested ): dataset_uuid = "dataset_uuid" bound_update_dataset( [{"data": {"table": df_not_nested}}], dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store=store_factory, partition_on=df_not_nested.columns[0], ) # Not allowed to use different partition_on with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Incompatible set of partition keys encountered." ): bound_update_dataset( [{"data": {"table": df_not_nested}}], dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store=store_factory, partition_on=df_not_nested.columns[1], )
[docs]def test_update_raises_incompatible_inidces( store_factory, bound_update_dataset, df_not_nested ): dataset_uuid = "dataset_uuid" bound_update_dataset( [{"data": {"table": df_not_nested}}], dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store=store_factory, secondary_indices=df_not_nested.columns[0], ) # Not allowed to update with indices which do not yet exist in dataset with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="indices"): bound_update_dataset( [{"data": {"table": df_not_nested}}], dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, store=store_factory, secondary_indices=df_not_nested.columns[1], )