Source code for kartothek.core.index

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
from copy import copy
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, TypeVar, Union, cast

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
from toolz.itertoolz import partition_all

import kartothek.core._time
from kartothek.core import naming
from kartothek.core._mixins import CopyMixin
from kartothek.core.common_metadata import normalize_type
from import default_docs
from kartothek.core.typing import StoreInput
from kartothek.core.urlencode import quote
from kartothek.core.utils import ensure_store
from kartothek.serialization import (

ValueType = TypeVar("ValueType")
IndexDictType = Dict[ValueType, List[str]]

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


__all__ = (

[docs]class IndexBase(CopyMixin): """ Initialize an IndexBase. Parameters ---------- column Name of the column this index is for. index_dct Mapping from index values to partition labels dtype Type of index. If left out and ``index_dct`` is present, this will be inferred. normalize_dtype Normalize type information and values within ``index_dct``. The user may disable this when it the index was already normalized, e.g. when the index python objects gets copied, or when the index data is restored from a parquet file that was written by a trusted write path. """ def __init__( self, column: str, index_dct: Optional[IndexDictType] = None, dtype: Optional[pa.DataType] = None, normalize_dtype: bool = True, ): if column == _PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME: raise ValueError( "Cannot create an index for column {} due to an internal implementation conflict. " "Please contact a kartothek maintainer if you receive this error message".format( column ) ) if (dtype is None) and index_dct: # do dtype given but index_dct is present => auto-derive dtype table = _index_dct_to_table(index_dct, column, None) schema = table.schema dtype = schema[0].type if dtype is not None: if pa.types.is_nested(dtype): raise NotImplementedError("Indices w/ nested types are not supported") if pa.types.is_null(dtype): raise NotImplementedError("Indices w/ null/NA type are not supported") if normalize_dtype: dtype, _t_pd, _t_np, _metadata = normalize_type(dtype, None, None, None) self.column = column self.dtype = dtype self.creation_time = kartothek.core._time.datetime_utcnow() self.index_dct: IndexDictType self.index_dct = {} self._index_dct_available = False if index_dct is not None: self._index_dct_available = True if normalize_dtype: # index_dct may be from an untrusted or weakly typed source, so we need to normalize and fuse values self.index_dct = {} n_collisions = 0 for value, partitions in index_dct.items(): value = IndexBase.normalize_value(self.dtype, value) if value not in self.index_dct: self.index_dct[value] = copy(partitions) else: existing = self.index_dct[value] self.index_dct[value] += [ part for part in partitions if part not in existing ] n_collisions += 1 if n_collisions: _logger.warning( ( "Value normalization for index column {} resulted in {} collision(s). Kartothek merged " "the affected partition lists, but you may want to check if this was desired." ).format(column, n_collisions) ) else: # data comes from a trusted source (e.g. an index that we've already preserved and are now reading), so # use the fast path and don't re-normalize the values self.index_dct = index_dct super(IndexBase, self).__init__()
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs) -> "IndexBase": return super(IndexBase, self).copy(normalize_dtype=False, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self) -> str: repr_str = [] for key, val in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(val, dict): repr_str.append("=".join([key, str(sorted(val.keys()))])) else: repr_str.append("=".join([key, str(val)])) return "{class_}({attrs})".format( class_=type(self).__name__, attrs=", ".join(repr_str) )
[docs] def observed_values(self, date_as_object=True) -> np.ndarray: """ Return an array of all observed values """ keys = np.array(list(self.index_dct.keys())) labeled_array = pa.array(keys, type=self.dtype) return np.array(labeled_array.to_pandas(date_as_object=date_as_object))
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_value(dtype: pa.DataType, value: Any) -> Any: """ Normalize value according to index dtype. This may apply casts (e.g. integers to floats) or parsing (e.g. timestamps from strings) to the value. Parameters ---------- dtype Arrow type of the index. value any value Returns ------- value: Any normalized value, with a type that matches the index dtype Raises ------ ValueError If dtype of the index was not set or derived. NotImplementedError If the dtype cannot be handled. """ if dtype is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot normalize index values as long as dtype is not set" ) elif pa.types.is_string(dtype): if isinstance(value, bytes): return value.decode("utf-8") else: return str(value) elif pa.types.is_binary(dtype): if isinstance(value, bytes): return value else: return str(value).encode("utf-8") elif pa.types.is_date(dtype): return pd.Timestamp(value).date() elif pa.types.is_temporal(dtype): return pd.Timestamp(value).to_datetime64() elif pa.types.is_integer(dtype): return int(value) elif pa.types.is_floating(dtype): return float(value) elif pa.types.is_boolean(dtype): if isinstance(value, str): if value.lower() == "false": return False elif value.lower() == "true": return True else: return ValueError('Cannot parse boolean value "{}"'.format(value)) return bool(value) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot normalize index value for type {}".format(dtype) )
@property def loaded(self) -> bool: """ Check if the index was already loaded into memory. """ return self._index_dct_available
[docs] def eval_operator(self, op: str, value: ValueType) -> Set[str]: """ Evaluates a given operator on the index for a given value and returns all partition labels allowed by this index. Parameters ---------- op: str A string representation of the operator to be evaluated. Supported are "==", "<=", ">=", "<", ">", "in" For details, see documentation of kartothek.serialization value: object The value to be evaluated Returns ------- set Allowed partition labels """ result = set() index_dct = self.index_dct index_type = self.dtype index_arr = None if index_type is not None and index_type and not pa.types.is_date(index_type): index_type = index_type.to_pandas_dtype() try: index_arr = np.fromiter(index_dct.keys(), dtype=index_type) except ValueError: pass if index_arr is None: index_arr = np.array(list(index_dct.keys())) index = filter_array_like( index_arr, op, value, strict_date_types=True, column_name=self.column ) allowed_values = index_arr[index] # Need to determine allowed values to include predicates like `in` for value in allowed_values: result.update(set(self.index_dct[value])) return result
[docs] def query(self, value: ValueType) -> List[str]: """ Query this index for a given value. Raises an exception if the index is external and not loaded. Parameters ---------- value: The value that is looked up in the index dictionary. Returns ------- keys: List[str] A list of keys of partitions that contain the corresponding value. """ if self.index_dct is None: raise RuntimeError( "Index is external. To query an external index, the index ne to be preloaded." ) return self.index_dct.get(IndexBase.normalize_value(self.dtype, value), [])
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> IndexDictType: """ Serialise the object to Python object that can be part of a larger dictionary that may be serialised to JSON. """ if self.index_dct is None: raise RuntimeError("Index dict not set.") return self.index_dct
[docs] def update(self, index: "IndexBase", inplace: bool = False) -> "IndexBase": """ Returns a new Index object in case of a change. The new index object will no longer carry the attribute `index_storage_key` since it is no longer a proper representation of the stored index object. Parameters ---------- index: [kartothek.core.index.IndexBase] The index which should be added to this one """ if not isinstance(index, IndexBase): raise TypeError( "Need to input an kartothek.core.index.IndexBase object, instead got `{}`".format( type(index) ) ) # Assume that if one of the indices dtypes is None, they are compatible. In future versions we should make # dtype a non-optional parameter if self.dtype is not None and index.dtype is not None: if self.dtype != index.dtype: raise TypeError( "Trying to update an index with different types. Expected `{}` but got `{}`".format( self.dtype, index.dtype ) ) if self.column != index.column: raise ValueError( "Trying to update an index with the wrong column. Got `{}` but expected `{}`".format( index.column, self.column ) ) if index.index_dct is None or len(index.index_dct) == 0: return self if inplace: new_index_dict = self.index_dct else: new_index_dict = copy(self.index_dct) for value, partition_list in index.index_dct.items(): old = new_index_dict.get(value, []) new_index_dict[value] = list(set(old + partition_list)) return self.copy(column=self.column, index_dct=new_index_dict, dtype=self.dtype)
[docs] def remove_partitions( self, list_of_partitions: List[str], inplace: bool = False ) -> "IndexBase": """ Removes a partition from the internal index dictionary The new index object will no longer carry the attribute `index_storage_key` since it is no longer a proper representation of the stored index object. Parameters ---------- list_of_partitions The partition to be removed inplace If `True` the operation is performed inplace and will return the same object """ if not list_of_partitions: return self partitions_to_delete = set(list_of_partitions) if inplace: values_to_remove = set() for val, partition_list in self.index_dct.items(): new_partition_set = set(partition_list) - partitions_to_delete if new_partition_set: self.index_dct[val][:] = new_partition_set else: values_to_remove.add(val) for val in values_to_remove: del self.index_dct[val] # Call the constructor again to reinit the creation timestamp return self.copy( column=self.column, index_dct=self.index_dct, dtype=self.dtype ) else: new_index_dict = {} for val, partition_list in self.index_dct.items(): new_partition_set = set(partition_list) - partitions_to_delete if new_partition_set: new_index_dict[val] = list(new_partition_set) return self.copy( column=self.column, index_dct=new_index_dict, dtype=self.dtype )
[docs] def remove_values( self, list_of_values: List[str], inplace: bool = False ) -> "IndexBase": """ Removes a value from the internal index dictionary Parameters ---------- list_of_values The value to be removed inplace: If `True` the operation is performed inplace and will return the same object """ set_of_values = set( IndexBase.normalize_value(self.dtype, v) for v in list_of_values ) if not set_of_values: return self if inplace: for value in set_of_values: if value in self.index_dct: del self.index_dct[value] # new object for new timestamp, etc return self.copy( column=self.column, index_dct=self.index_dct, dtype=self.dtype, normalize_dtype=False, ) else: new_index_dict = {} for val, partition_list in self.index_dct.items(): if val not in set_of_values: new_index_dict[val] = partition_list return self.copy( column=self.column, index_dct=new_index_dict, dtype=self.dtype, normalize_dtype=False, )
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, IndexBase): return False if self.column != other.column: return False if (self.dtype is None) and (other.dtype is not None): return False if (self.dtype is not None) and (other.dtype is None): return False if self.dtype != other.dtype: return False if len(self.index_dct) != len(other.index_dct): return False for col, partition_list in self.index_dct.items(): if col not in other.index_dct: return False if set(partition_list) != set(other.index_dct[col]): return False return True def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: return not (self == other)
[docs] @default_docs def as_flat_series( self, compact: bool = False, partitions_as_index: bool = False, date_as_object: bool = False, predicates: PredicatesType = None, ) -> pd.Series: """ Convert the Index object to a pandas.Series Parameters ---------- compact If True, ensures that the index will be unique. If there a multiple partition values per index, there values will be compacted into a list (see Examples section). partitions_as_index If True, the relation between index values and partitions will be reverted for the output dataframe: partition values will be used as index and the indices will be mapped to the partitions. predicates A list of predicates. If a literal within the provided predicates references a column which is not part of this index, this literal is interpreted as True. Examples -------- >>> import pyarrow as pa >>> from kartothek.core.index import ExplicitSecondaryIndex >>> index1 = ExplicitSecondaryIndex( ... column="col", index_dct={1: ["part_1", "part_2"]}, dtype=pa.int64() ... ) >>> index1.as_flat_series() col 1 part_1 1 part_2 Name: partition, dtype: object >>> index1.as_flat_series(compact=True) col 1 [part_1, part_2] Name: partition, dtype: object >>> index1.as_flat_series(partitions_as_index=True) partition part_1 1 part_2 1 Name: col, dtype: int64 """ check_predicates(predicates) table = _index_dct_to_table( self.index_dct, column=self.column, dtype=self.dtype ) df = table.to_pandas(date_as_object=date_as_object) if predicates is not None: # If there is a conjunction without any reference to the index # column the entire predicates expression is evaluated to True. In # this case we do not need to filter the dataframe anymore for conjunction in predicates: new_conjunction = filter_predicates_by_column( [conjunction], [self.column] ) if new_conjunction is None: break else: filtered_predicates = filter_predicates_by_column( predicates, [self.column] ) df = filter_df_from_predicates(df, predicates=filtered_predicates) result_column = _PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME # This is the way the dictionary is directly translated # value: [partition] if compact and not partitions_as_index: return df.set_index(self.column)[result_column] # In all other circumstances we need a flat series first # value: part_1 # value: part_2 # value2: part_1 if partitions_as_index or not compact: if len(df) == 0: keys = np.array([], dtype=df[_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME].values.dtype) else: keys = np.concatenate(df[_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME].values) lengths = df[_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME].apply(len).values lengths = lengths.astype(int) values_index = np.repeat(np.arange(len(df)), lengths) values = df[self.column].values[values_index] df = pd.DataFrame({_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME: keys, self.column: values}) # if it is not inverted and not compact, we're done if partitions_as_index: result_index = _PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME if compact: df = df.groupby(df[result_index]).apply( lambda x: x[self.column].tolist() ) = self.column else: df = df.set_index(result_index)[self.column] else: df = df.set_index(self.column)[_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME] return df
[docs]class PartitionIndex(IndexBase): """ An Index class representing partition indices (sometimes also referred to as primary indices). A PartitionIndex is usually constructed by parsing the partition filenames which encode index information. The constructor for this class should usually not be called explicitly but indices should be created by e.g. :meth:`kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadataBase.load_partition_indices` """ def __init__( self, column: str, index_dct: Optional[IndexDictType] = None, dtype: pa.DataType = None, normalize_dtype: bool = True, ): if dtype is None: raise ValueError( 'PartitionIndex dtype of column "{}" cannot be None!'.format(column) ) super(PartitionIndex, self).__init__( column=column, index_dct=index_dct, dtype=dtype, normalize_dtype=normalize_dtype, ) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, PartitionIndex): return False return super(PartitionIndex, self).__eq__(other)
[docs]class ExplicitSecondaryIndex(IndexBase): """ An Index class representing an explicit, secondary index which is calculated and stored next to the dataset. In contrast to the `PartitionIndex` this needs to be calculated by an explicit pass over the data. All mutations of this class will erase the reference to the physical file and the storage of the mutated object will write to a new storage key. """ def __init__( self, column: str, index_dct: Optional[IndexDictType] = None, index_storage_key: Optional[str] = None, dtype: Optional[pa.DataType] = None, normalize_dtype: bool = True, ): if (index_dct is None) and not index_storage_key: raise ValueError("No valid index source specified") if not index_storage_key and not index_dct and dtype is None: raise ValueError("Trying to create non-typesafe index") self.index_storage_key = index_storage_key super(ExplicitSecondaryIndex, self).__init__( column=column, index_dct=index_dct, dtype=dtype, normalize_dtype=normalize_dtype, )
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs) -> "ExplicitSecondaryIndex": if kwargs: index_storage_key = kwargs.pop("index_storage_key", None) else: index_storage_key = self.index_storage_key return cast( ExplicitSecondaryIndex, super(IndexBase, self).copy(index_storage_key=index_storage_key, **kwargs), )
[docs] def unload(self) -> "IndexBase": """ Drop index data to safe memory. """ idx = self.copy(index_dct={}, index_storage_key=self.index_storage_key) idx._index_dct_available = False return idx
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, ExplicitSecondaryIndex): return False if self.index_storage_key != other.index_storage_key: return False try: return super(ExplicitSecondaryIndex, self).__eq__(other) except TypeError: # an `index_dct == None` if self.index_dct != other.index_dct: return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def from_v2(column: str, dct_or_str: Union[str, IndexDictType]) -> "IndexBase": """ Create an index instance from a version 2 Python structure. Parameters ---------- column: Name of the column this index provides lookup for dct_or_str: Either the storage key of the external index or the index itself as a Python object structure. Returns ------- index: [kartothek.core.index.ExplicitSecondaryIndex] """ if isinstance(dct_or_str, str): # External index return ExplicitSecondaryIndex(column=column, index_storage_key=dct_or_str) else: return ExplicitSecondaryIndex(column=column, index_dct=dct_or_str)
[docs] def store(self, store: StoreInput, dataset_uuid: str) -> str: """ Store the index as a parquet file If compatible, the new keyname will be the name stored under the attribute `index_storage_key`. If this attribute is None, a new key will be generated of the format `{dataset_uuid}/indices/{column}/{timestamp}.by-dataset-index.parquet` where the timestamp is in nanosecond accuracy and is created upon Index object initialization Parameters ---------- store: dataset_uuid: """ storage_key = None store = ensure_store(store) if ( self.index_storage_key is not None and dataset_uuid and dataset_uuid in self.index_storage_key ): storage_key = self.index_storage_key if storage_key is None: storage_key = "{dataset_uuid}/indices/{column}/{timestamp}{suffix}".format( dataset_uuid=dataset_uuid, suffix=naming.EXTERNAL_INDEX_SUFFIX, column=quote(self.column), timestamp=quote(self.creation_time.isoformat()), ) # The arrow representation of index_dct requires a large amount of memory because strings are duplicated and # flattened into the buffer. To avoid a high peak memory usage, split the index_dct into chunks and only convert # one chunk a time to arrow. parts_iter = partition_all(10_000, self.index_dct.items()) # Get first table explicit because its schema is required for ParquetWriter. try: table = _index_dct_to_table(dict(next(parts_iter)), self.column, self.dtype) except StopIteration: # index_dct was empty, just pass it entirely table = _index_dct_to_table(self.index_dct, self.column, self.dtype) buf = pa.BufferOutputStream() with pq.ParquetWriter(buf, schema=table.schema) as writer: writer.write_table(table) del table for part in parts_iter: writer.write_table( _index_dct_to_table(dict(part), self.column, self.dtype) ) store.put(storage_key, buf.getvalue().to_pybytes()) return storage_key
[docs] def load(self, store: StoreInput): """ Load an external index into memory. Returns a new index object that contains the index dictionary. Returns itself if the index is internal or an already loaded index. Parameters ---------- store Object that implements the .get method for file/object loading. Returns ------- index: [kartothek.core.index.ExplicitSecondaryIndex] """ if self.loaded: return self store = ensure_store(store) index_buffer = store.get(self.index_storage_key) index_dct, column_type = _parquet_bytes_to_dict(self.column, index_buffer) return ExplicitSecondaryIndex( column=self.column, index_dct=index_dct, dtype=column_type, index_storage_key=self.index_storage_key, normalize_dtype=False, )
def __getstate__(self): if not self.loaded: return (self.column, self.index_storage_key, self.dtype, None) table = _index_dct_to_table(self.index_dct, self.column, self.dtype) buf = pa.BufferOutputStream() pq.write_table(table, buf) parquet_bytes = buf.getvalue().to_pybytes() # Since `self.dtype` will be inferred by parquet bytes, do not return # this argument during serialization to avoid unnecessary memory consumption return (self.column, self.index_storage_key, None, parquet_bytes) def __setstate__(self, state): column, storage_key, column_type, parquet_bytes = state if parquet_bytes is None: index_dct = None else: index_dct, column_type = _parquet_bytes_to_dict(column, parquet_bytes) self.__init__( column=column, index_dct=index_dct, index_storage_key=storage_key, dtype=column_type, normalize_dtype=False, )
_MULTI_COLUMN_INDEX_DCT_TYPE = Dict[str, IndexBase] def merge_indices( list_of_indices: List[_MULTI_COLUMN_INDEX_DCT_TYPE], ) -> _MULTI_COLUMN_INDEX_DCT_TYPE: """ Merge a list of index dictionaries Parameters ---------- list_of_indices A list of tuples holding index information Format: [ (partition_label, index_dict) ] """ final_indices: _MULTI_COLUMN_INDEX_DCT_TYPE = {} if not list_of_indices: return final_indices # shortcut can only be applied to Index object since the dict path needs the label in the passed tuple if len(list_of_indices) == 1: return list_of_indices[0] elif len(list_of_indices) > 2: first = merge_indices(list_of_indices[0::2]) second = merge_indices(list_of_indices[1::2]) return merge_indices([first, second]) for indices in list_of_indices: for column, index in indices.items(): if column in final_indices: final_indices[column] = final_indices[column].update(index) else: final_indices[column] = index return final_indices def remove_partitions_from_indices( index_dict: _MULTI_COLUMN_INDEX_DCT_TYPE, partitions: List[str] ): """ Remove a given list of partitions from a kartothek index dictionary Parameters ---------- index_dict A dictionary holding kartothek indices partitions A list of partition labels which should be removed form the index objects """ new_index_dict = {} for column, index in index_dict.items(): new_index_dict[column] = index.remove_partitions(partitions) return new_index_dict def filter_indices(index_dict: _MULTI_COLUMN_INDEX_DCT_TYPE, partitions: Iterable[str]): """ Filter a kartothek index dictionary such that only the provided list of partitions is included in the index dictionary All indices must be embedded! Parameters ---------- index_dict: A dictionary holding kartothek indices partition_list: A list of partition labels which are allowed in the output dictionary """ index_types = {} types = {} temp_index_dct: Dict[str, Dict[Any, List[str]]] = {} for column, index in index_dict.items(): temp_index_dct[column] = {} types[column] = index.dtype index_types[column] = type(index) for index_value, partition_list in index.to_dict().items(): temp_index_dct[column][index_value] = [ part_label for part_label in partition_list if part_label in partitions ] final_index_dict: _MULTI_COLUMN_INDEX_DCT_TYPE = {} for column, column_index in temp_index_dct.items(): final_index_dict[column] = index_types[column]( column=column, index_dct=column_index, dtype=types[column] ) return final_index_dict def _parquet_bytes_to_dict(column: str, index_buffer: bytes): reader = pa.BufferReader(index_buffer) # This can be done much more efficient but would take a lot more # time to implement so this will be only done on request. table = pq.read_table(reader) column_type = table.schema.field(column).type # `datetime.datetime` objects have a precision of up to microseconds only, so arrow # parses the type to `pa.timestamp("us")`. Since the # values are normalized to `numpy.datetime64[ns]` anyways, we do not care about this # and load the column type as `pa.timestamp("ns")` if column_type == pa.timestamp("us"): column_type = pa.timestamp("ns") df = table.to_pandas() index_dct = dict( zip(df[column].values, (list(x) for x in df[_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME].values)) ) return index_dct, column_type def _index_dct_to_table(index_dct: IndexDictType, column: str, dtype: pa.DataType): keys_it = index_dct.keys() # find possible type probe if len(keys_it) > 0: probe = next(iter(keys_it)) has_probe = True else: probe = None has_probe = False # type inference if (dtype is None) and has_probe: if isinstance(probe, np.datetime64): dtype = pa.timestamp( "ns" ) # workaround pyarrow type inference bug (ARROW-2554) elif isinstance(probe, pd.Timestamp): dtype = pa.timestamp( "ns" ) # workaround pyarrow type inference bug (ARROW-2554) elif isinstance(probe, (np.bool_, bool)): dtype = pa.bool_() # fix pyarrow input if dtype is None: keys: Union[np.ndarray, List[Any]] = np.asarray(list(keys_it)) else: if pa.types.is_unsigned_integer(dtype): # numpy might create object ndarrays here, which pyarrow might (for some reason) convert fo floats keys = list(keys_it) elif ( dtype == pa.timestamp("ns") and has_probe and isinstance(probe, pd.Timestamp) ): keys = np.asarray([d.to_datetime64() for d in keys_it]) else: keys = np.asarray(list(keys_it)) # TODO: Remove work-around # This is because of ARROW-1646: # [Python] pyarrow.array cannot handle NumPy scalar types # Additional note: pyarrow.array is supposed to infer type automatically. # But the inferred type is not enough to hold np.uint64. Until this is fixed in # upstream Arrow, we have to retain the following line if not index_dct: # the np.array dtype will be double which arrow cannot convert to the target type, so use an empty list instead labeled_array = pa.array([], type=dtype) else: labeled_array = pa.array(keys, type=dtype) partition_array = pa.array(list(index_dct.values()), type=pa.list_(pa.string())) return pa.Table.from_arrays( [labeled_array, partition_array], names=[column, _PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME] )