Source code for

Tooling to quickly discover datasets in a given blob store.
import logging
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

from kartothek.api.consistency import check_datasets
from kartothek.core.cube.constants import (
from kartothek.core.cube.cube import Cube
from kartothek.core.dataset import DatasetMetadata
from kartothek.core.naming import (
from kartothek.core.typing import StoreInput
from kartothek.core.utils import ensure_store
from kartothek.utils.converters import converter_str_set_optional

__all__ = (

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _discover_dataset_meta_files(prefix: str, store: StoreInput) -> Set[str]:
    Get meta file names for all datasets.

        the prefix.
        KV store.

    names: Set[str]
        The meta file names

    store = ensure_store(store)

    names = {
        name[: -len(METADATA_BASE_SUFFIX + suffix)]
        for name in store.iter_prefixes(delimiter="/", prefix=prefix)
        if name.endswith(METADATA_BASE_SUFFIX + suffix)
    return names

[docs]def discover_ktk_cube_dataset_ids(uuid_prefix: str, store: StoreInput) -> Set[str]: """ Get ktk_cube dataset ids for all datasets. Parameters ---------- uuid_prefix Dataset UUID prefix. store KV store. Returns ------- names: Set[str] The ktk_cube dataset ids """ prefix = uuid_prefix + KTK_CUBE_UUID_SEPERATOR names = _discover_dataset_meta_files(prefix, store) return set([name[len(prefix) :] for name in names])
[docs]def discover_datasets_unchecked( uuid_prefix: str, store: StoreInput, filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, DatasetMetadata]: """ Get all known datasets that may belong to a give cube w/o applying any checks. .. warning:: The results are not checked for validity. Found datasets may be incompatible w/ the given cube. Use :meth:`~kartothek.api.consistency.check_datasets` to check the results, or go for :func:`` in the first place. Parameters ---------- uuid_prefix Dataset UUID prefix. store KV store. filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids Optional selection of datasets to include. Returns ------- datasets: Dict[str, DatasetMetadata] All discovered datasets. Empty Dict if no dataset is found """ store = ensure_store(store) filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids = converter_str_set_optional( filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids ) prefix = uuid_prefix + KTK_CUBE_UUID_SEPERATOR names = _discover_dataset_meta_files(prefix, store) if filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids is not None: names = { name for name in names if name[len(prefix) :] in filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids } result = {} # sorted iteration for determistic error messages in case DatasetMetadata.load_from_store fails for name in sorted(names): try: result[name[len(prefix) :]] = DatasetMetadata.load_from_store( uuid=name, store=store, load_schema=True, load_all_indices=False ) except KeyError as e: _logger.warning( 'Ignore dataset "{name}" due to KeyError: {e}'.format(name=name, e=e) ) return result
[docs]def discover_datasets( cube: Cube, store: StoreInput, filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, DatasetMetadata]: """ Get all known datasets that belong to a give cube. Parameters ---------- cube Cube specification. store KV store. filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids Optional selection of datasets to include. Returns ------- datasets: Dict[str, DatasetMetadata] All discovered datasets. Raises ------ ValueError In case no valid cube could be discovered. """ filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids = converter_str_set_optional( filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids ) result = discover_datasets_unchecked( cube.uuid_prefix, store, filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids ) if filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids is not None: if isinstance(filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids, str): filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids = {filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids} else: filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids = set(filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids) missing = filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids - set(result.keys()) if missing: raise ValueError( "Could not find the following requested datasets: {missing}".format( missing=", ".join(sorted(missing)) ) ) check_datasets(result, cube) return result
[docs]def discover_cube( uuid_prefix: str, store: StoreInput, filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Cube, Dict[str, DatasetMetadata]]: """ Recover cube information from store. Parameters ---------- uuid_prefix Dataset UUID prefix. store KV store. filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids Optional selection of datasets to include. Returns ------- cube: Cube Cube specification. datasets: Dict[str, DatasetMetadata] All discovered datasets. """ datasets = discover_datasets_unchecked( uuid_prefix, store, filter_ktk_cube_dataset_ids ) seed_candidates = { ktk_cube_dataset_id for ktk_cube_dataset_id, ds in datasets.items() if ds.metadata.get( KTK_CUBE_METADATA_KEY_IS_SEED, ds.metadata.get("klee_is_seed", False) ) } if len(seed_candidates) == 0: raise ValueError( 'Could not find seed dataset for cube "{uuid_prefix}".'.format( uuid_prefix=uuid_prefix ) ) elif len(seed_candidates) > 1: raise ValueError( 'Found multiple possible seed datasets for cube "{uuid_prefix}": {seed_candidates}'.format( uuid_prefix=uuid_prefix, seed_candidates=", ".join(sorted(seed_candidates)), ) ) seed_dataset = list(seed_candidates)[0] seed_ds = datasets[seed_dataset] dimension_columns = seed_ds.metadata.get( KTK_CUBE_METADATA_DIMENSION_COLUMNS, seed_ds.metadata.get("klee_dimension_columns"), ) if dimension_columns is None: raise ValueError( 'Could not recover dimension columns from seed dataset ("{seed_dataset}") of cube "{uuid_prefix}".'.format( seed_dataset=seed_dataset, uuid_prefix=uuid_prefix ) ) # datasets written with new kartothek versions (after merge of PR#7747) # always set KTK_CUBE_METADATA_PARTITION_COLUMNS and "klee_timestamp_column" in the metadata. # Older versions of ktk_cube do not write these; instead, these columns are inferred from # the actual partitioning: partition_columns are all but the last partition key # # TODO: once we're sure we have re-written all kartothek cubes, the code # in the branch `if partition_columns is None` below can be removed. # # read the now unused timestamp column just to make sure we can still read older cubes. # # TODO: once all cubes are re-created and don't use timestamp column anymore, remove the timestamp column handling # entirely partition_columns = seed_ds.metadata.get( KTK_CUBE_METADATA_PARTITION_COLUMNS, seed_ds.metadata.get("klee_partition_columns"), ) timestamp_column = seed_ds.metadata.get("klee_timestamp_column") if partition_columns is None: # infer the partition columns and timestamp column from the actual partitioning: partition_keys = seed_ds.partition_keys if len(partition_keys) == 0: raise ValueError( 'Seed dataset ("{seed_dataset}") has no partition keys.'.format( # type: ignore # noqa seed_dataset=seed_dataset, partition_keys=", ".join(partition_keys), ) ) elif len(partition_keys) < 2: raise ValueError( ( 'Seed dataset ("{seed_dataset}") has only a single partition key ({partition_key}) ' "but should have at least 2." ).format(seed_dataset=seed_dataset, partition_key=partition_keys[0]) ) partition_columns = partition_keys[:-1] timestamp_column = partition_keys[-1] index_columns = set() for ds in datasets.values(): index_columns |= set(ds.indices.keys()) - ( set(dimension_columns) | set(partition_columns) | {timestamp_column} ) # we only support the default timestamp column in the compat code if (timestamp_column is not None) and (timestamp_column != "KLEE_TS"): raise NotImplementedError( f"Can only read old cubes if the timestamp column is 'KLEE_TS', but '{timestamp_column}' was detected." ) cube = Cube( uuid_prefix=uuid_prefix, dimension_columns=dimension_columns, partition_columns=partition_columns, index_columns=index_columns, seed_dataset=seed_dataset, suppress_index_on=seed_ds.metadata.get(KTK_CUBE_METADATA_SUPPRESS_INDEX_ON), ) datasets = check_datasets(datasets, cube) return cube, datasets